Natural Remedy Secrets For The Mind

Natural Remedy Secrets For The Mind


Natural Remedy Secrets For Stress, Anxiety & Depression

Issues with the mind are often caused by being overwhelmed, discover natural remedy secrets to help relieve issues caused by overwork and worry.

In society today, the fast pace of life is something that a large part of the population cannot deal with. Dealing with negativity in the workplace and at home, can manifest any number of issues and for the unfortunate few, even double down…such as being so stressed out, that it leads to major depression.

Fortunately there are a number of natural remedy secrets for the mind that we can reveal here to help one manage stress, anxiety and depression

While seeking the doctor’s advice is always the first step, one must be cautious and have full trust in the doctor.

Remember that doctors are also prone to overwork and stress due to large numbers of patients. Engaging in the use of medical prescriptions may help some, while others will find that the medication has side effects that they are unable to deal with.

In certain cases, the idea of exploring natural home remedies is not only appealing but necessary. Here are some of the issues related to your mind and the most popular natural methods to deal with them.

natural stress remedy secrets

Natural Remedy Secrets for Stress

This is something we all feel, although each person’s stress levels will be different due to individual circumstances.

Many instances of stress can be reduced quickly by using deep breathing techniques.

Getting massive amounts of oxygen into your lungs and blood stream will help to slow the heart when it is beating too fast. As a person focuses on deep breathing, it takes their mind away from what is causing anger or frustration.

Herbs have been used for centuries as medicine. Many people are astounded at what archeologists find during excavations. Many discoveries have found burial sites with important people from the times, buried not only with treasures but specific herbs.

Doing research on this, scientists have found that even as far back as 50,000 years ago, people were using herbs as medicine. In ancient India, the practise of Ayurveda began for treating the ills of the people.

Ayurveda healers found that Ashwaganda, another of the natural remedy secrets, was very helpful in reducing stress. This particular plant produces berries that are combined with the root of the plant. Ashwaganda can purchased in capsules or powder form.

Lemon balm has been shown to reduce stress levels and it is easy to consume. It is pleasant tasting and it belongs to the mint family, so it makes a perfect tea for anyone feeling stress. When you purchase lemon balm leaves, you can make tea or cut them in half and add to a large pitcher of water.

Plenty of water is also very beneficial to stress reduction and by adding the lemon balm pieces, you can make a nice infused water to drink throughout the day.

If you have an indoor or outdoor herb garden, you can grow your own lemon balm to use as described or even chop and add it to your favorite foods as you would with basil or thyme.

Stinging nettles have been proclaimed as one the best foods to eat for health. It has many attributes and is used in fighting stress. It can be purchased in capsule form or grown in the garden. This plant is also used in cooking and it can be added to your favorite home soups.

When handling stinging nettle, you should wear gloves as you would a rose bush and its particular type of thorn. There is a caution, that women who are pregnant should not consume stinging nettles.

Aromatherapy is not new. It has been used for centuries, in different ways. In early days, certain smells invaded the living space and some oils were used to mask the unpleasant odors. It was discovered that certain essential oils, were able to work as mood altering therapies.

Everyone reacts differently to scents and in the case of using aromatherapy for stress relief, it is important to test and find what works best for you. A few essentials oils to try first are, lavender, jasmine or clary sage.


Natural Remedy Secrets for Anxiety

The anxiety issue can be minor or even escalate to what some would call “crippling.” When anxiety is not dealt with, it can lead to withdrawal from society and isolation.

Skullcap may have a name that gives pause but it has been found to be very beneficial in reducing anxiety.

People who suffer from anxiety, report that it can cause pain in various parts of the body. Skullcap is used when the type of anxiety suffered, includes pain, muscle issues in and around the face or overall body tension felt throughout the body and muscles.

This particular plant can be grown and consumed. It also is available in a massage oil which can be applied during a relaxing home massage.

Chamomile tea is something that many people have heard of. Chamomile can be found in tincture form. Tincture are concentrated liquids of one or more herbs. Tinctures can purchased or made at home if you have the ingredients necessary.

Soaking the leaf or root in vinegar will release the necessary properties of the chamomile or other herb that you have chosen.

In treating anxiety, using chamomile, one of the natural remedy secrets everyone has heard of but but does not realise how effective it is, will calm down the nervous system and allow for a more relaxed sleep, as anxiety sufferers find their mind in overwhelm.

In aromatherapy many have reported good success with frankincense oil, which has been used for centuries and at one time was more valuable than gold.

The brain is composed of many different systems, including the limbic. The limbic controls the emotions, sexual arousal and your memories.

Frankincense has been shown to calm the limbic system and help to increase the oxygen that is supplied to the brain. You can put frankincense in a diffuser to allow it to scent the air or put it in a warm tub of water for you to soak in and let your anxiety go.

Natural Remedy Secrets for Depression

St. John’s wort is used to combat depression. It is a small shrub like plant that produces flowers. It has been used for centuries in Europe to combat the onset of depression. St. John’s wort may be consumed in capsule form. Many people enjoy making a tea out of St. John’s wort.

Typically, the wort is combined with approximately ½ teaspoon of cinnamon in a boiling pot of water. Once the mixture has boiled, use a piece of cheesecloth or a very fine tea strainer to remove the leftover pieces of plant and pour into a cup.

Add honey as per your own taste buds, as some like the tea to be very sweet.

Maca is a special root that comes from Peru. It has been compared to ginseng for its healing properties. Maca is often combined with ginseng and most health companies produce capsules of maca, mixed with a variety of ginseng.

There is also maca powder available and the vegan community will appreciate these particular products. In addition to being one of the natural remedy secrets long used to help fight depression, maca has been found to increase stamina and help the immune system.

Try essential oils to combat depression. There are a wide variety that have been used repeatedly over the years, and you can try lavender or rose oil for example. One great thing about essential oils, is the different ways that you can use them.

Many people inhale the oil directly from the small bottles that they come in. You can apply it to the skin, after mixing it with a carrier oil like jojoba, which can be purchased from health food stores or Amazon. The oils need to be diluted with a carrier oil to avoid irritation to the skin as oils, such as lavender are quite strong.

Natural Remedy Secrets for Insomnia

Having insomnia can cause other issues as a person is deprived of the deep restful sleep needed. Once insomnia has been experienced, the best thing to do is address it quickly.

Saying a mantra once the head hits the pillow, has been shown to be very effective. The simple mantra used in yoga is, “Om.” Using the phrase Om repeatedly, is connecting yourself to the universe.

As it is the only phrase repeated, it induces deep peace within the body, allowing it to drift off.

Many people prefer to come up with their own mantra, which has a deep meaning to them. Frequently they will journal their thoughts and narrow phrases down until finding the perfect one for their needs.

An example of a personal mantra would be, “I am safe while drifting amongst the warmth and light of the heavenly stars.” Along with the mantra, music very low in the background is helpful for inducing sleep.

The type of music used, should be something along the lines of Gregorian chanting. The repetitive nature of the music has a hypnotizing quality to it.

Making your own healing tea can be an enjoyable time, as you learn what mixtures work best for you. Even making tea just for general enjoyment, can turn into a bit of a hobby with…different pots, cups and special tea bags to fill with your choices.

Herbal teas can certainly help with bouts of insomnia. As insomnia needs to be worked on, it is best to make a quantity of tea and store as needed.

For example you can combine one cup each of dried chamomile flowers, dried passion flower, dried lemon balm and dried valerian root finely chopped. Once you have your mixture, store it in a large sealable mason jar. After you prepare your pot of tea, strain the mixture and add honey.

The magnesium that we get from our food, is often not enough. Magnesium helps your tense muscles to relax and has also been shown to combat stress. Both these issues can contribute to insomnia, instead of restful sleep.

Magnesium can be introduced several ways. Having a warm bath before sleep is always good and why not try adding magnesium flakes to the bathwater.

Your skin can absorb the magnesium and get it into the blood stream. The other method to try is magnesium in capsule form. Make sure to read the prescribed dosages for males and females…as it differs.

If your natural melatonin production is off, it could be causing issues with your sleep. Melatonin is what the brain releases when we settle down for sleep and the variety of sleep stages we go through. When using melatonin capsules,

take the lowest amount possible at first and watch for side effects before increasing the dosage. Taking melatonin can cause dizziness or headaches if the dosage is too high.

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