Probiotic Supplement – Probio Max


ProBio MAX is a practitioner-strength, multi-strain probiotic supplement with 20 billion friendly bacteria per capsule – equivalent to 40 pots of probiotic yoghurt, but without the added sugar, dairy and fat.

30 capsules per pot

1 capsule to be taken 1 to 3 times per day, before meals or as advised.

Best results are achieved when ProBio MAX:

It provides 8 strains of friendly lactic bacteria which should inhabit a healthy gut, and offers full-spectrum support of the upper and lower bowel.


Probiotic Supplement – Super Strength

Probio Practitioner Strength – 1 Capsule = 40, pots Bio Yoghurt

Probiotic supplement, ProBio MAX is a practitioner-strength, multi-strain probiotic supplement with 20 billion friendly bacteria per capsule – equivalent to 40 pots of probiotic yoghurt, but without the added sugar, dairy and fat.

It provides 8 strains of friendly lactic bacteria which should inhabit a healthy gut, and offers full-spectrum support of the upper and lower bowel.

Micro-encapsulated for acid resistance, this probiotic supplement contains human compatible friendly bacteria strains which are bile and acid tolerant with high adherence ability – no need to refrigerate and guaranteed to provide 20 billion live bacteria per capsule for up to 12 months.

A probiotic supplement that has been specifically formulated by natural health practitioners who treat digestive and intestinal disorders. It is ideal for use following antibiotics, travelling abroad and colonic hydrotherapy treatment.

super strength probiotic


Individual pure culture samples of probiotic micro-organisms contained in these health formulations were tested for stability under acidic conditions to mimic the extreme  fasting pH of the human stomach.


In order to produce beneficial effects within the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), probiotic micro-organisms must have the capacity to survive and metabolise in the gut. They  must therefore be resistant to GIT levels of acid. Probiotic formulations also need to contain large numbers of viable organisms (highly concentrated) which, on ingestion,  survive the rigorous onslaught of the mammalian upper gut in order to deliver their bacterial content to the small intestine. One of the primary barriers to the passage of  bacteria is the acidity of the stomach.

Stomach Acidity

The pH of the stomach varies throughout the day under the influence of the buffering action which food or liquid may have on the  stomach. However, the fasting pH of the human gut is around pH 3.0. The amount of time for food to pass through the stomach also varies greatly from a few minutes to an  hour or more. The food itself will have some neutralising effect on the pH of the stomach and hence of pH of 3.0 is probably the lowest to which the bacteria will be  subjected. In addition the food may also have a physically protective role to play.

Made in the Strictest Conditions

The conditions of our laboratory tests will therefore probably be the most vigorous  conditions to which the bacteria will be subjected i.e., a pH 2.0 for 2 hours and the results obtained need to be analysed accordingly. It should also be noted that the  laboratory conditions (in vitro tests) designed for these tests, whilst attempting to mimic the conditions within the stomach are, in fact, only a simplistic view of what is, in fact, very complex situation.

Each 230mg proprietary blend capsule provides:

Bifidobacterium breve PXN25 9.8 x 108
Bifidobacterium infantis PXN27 2.0 x 108
Bifidobacterium longum PXN30 4.0 x 108
Lactobacillus acidophilus PXN35 1.7 x 109
Lactobacillus bulgaricus PXN39 1.9 x 108
Lactobacillus casei PXN37 7.8 x 109
Lactobacillus rhamnosus PXN54 6.9 x 109
Streptococcus thermophilus PXN66 1.9 x 109


Q: When should probiotics be used?

Probiotic supplements are useful when the balance of good and bad bacteria in the bowel has been disrupted. Such an imbalance almost always occurs in the following  situations:
  • after use of antibiotics
  • following illness
  • during and after periods of heightened stress
  • as we get older (and our digestive enzymes decrease in number)
  • following travel to a foreign country
  • for people who experience regular tummy upsets
  • for people who regularly have an urgent need to use the toilet
  • for people who have poor digestion.
An imbalance of bowel flora can lead to a number of unpleasant symptoms, such as a bloated stomach, abdominal pains, irregular bowel movements and a feeling of  heaviness after eating. Probiotics are recommended for people who wish to ensure or maintain a favourable amount of the friendly bacteria in their digestive tract.

Q: Does ProBio MAX need to be refrigerated?

No. This is not necessary because the probiotic bacteria used in this product are specially coated during the manufacturing process to ensure that they remain stable at  room temperature. This is important, because many probiotic products that are kept in the fridge are damaged by the continual opening and closing of the fridge door,  which lets in moisture and damages the fragile bacteria.

Q: Why is this multi-strain formula more effective than a single strain product?

A single species probiotic is simply unlikely to deliver as many benefits as a multi-strain probiotic, which colonises and acts upon multiple locations within the body. There are literally hundreds of different species of good bacteria in our digestive system, so a multi-strain formula will work in more areas and also provide better protection  against a wider scope of harmful micro-organisms.

Q: Can ProBio MAX survive the high acidity of the stomach?

Yes. All of the bacterial strains in this product are micro-encapsulated, which means that they are protected and able to reach their target location in the body in a viable  state.

Q: Can ProBio MAX capsules be pulled apart and the contents taken in a drink or on food?

Yes, if the food or drink in question is consumed within 12 hours, the probiotics’ effectiveness will not be affected


Additional information


30 Capsules


Suitable For Vegetarians